Hitchhiker setting refer to: Configuration, environment variable could be set in pm2.json

IMPORTANT:If upgrade, download zip package and overwrite all files except build/pm2.json which keep all settings of hitchhiker in root folder, then call: pm2 restart hitchhiker.

    "apps": [{
        "name": "hitchhiker",
        "script": "./build/index.js",
        "watch": false,
        "env": {
            "HITCHHIKER_APP_HOST": "myhost"
            # Set environment variable here

Deploy step by step

Dependence: nodejs 7.60+, recommend use LTS (8.9) and mysql 5.7+ with json column support;

mysql, create db: hitchhiker-prod (or another name),change mysql variable max_allowed_packet=200M create DB: CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `hitchhiker-prod` default charset utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; change variable: add max_allowed_packet=200M under [mysqld] section in /my.conf file, refer to:change max_allowed_packet

  1. Download app package from https://github.com/brookshi/Hitchhiker/releases/download/v0.14/Hitchhiker.zip;

  2. Unzip and run command node setup.js(windows), sudo node setup.js(linux) in build folder;

  3. Open http://localhost:9527/setup.html in browser;

  4. Enter host,port,db,setting etc.. step by step;

  5. Submit;

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